Die ALS Association, die Gelder für die Erforschung der tückischen Nervenkrankheit Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose sammelt, ist derzeit dank der „Ice Bucket Challenge“ in aller Munde. Die Spenden fließen jedoch nur zu 28 Prozent in die Forschung, die Präsidentin der Organisation kassiert immerhin 340.000 Dollar (umgerechnet 257.000 Euro) Jahresgage – was besonders in den sozialen Medien für Empörung sorgt.
Laut Website der ALS Association, auf der die jüngste Steuererklärung der Organisation zu finden ist, wurden im vergangenen Jahr 26,2 Millionen Dollar ausgegeben, davon gingen nur 7,2 Millionen in die Forschung. Die Verwaltungskosten beliefen sich auf knapp zwei Millionen. Nicht nur der ALS-Chefin Jane H. Gilbert ist ein üppiges Gehalt ver-gönnt, die gesamte Führungsetage verdient sehr gut – unter anderem darf sich der Leiter der Finanzabteilung über 200.000 Dollar pro Jahr freuen.
In den vergangenen vier Wochen hat die ALS Association dank der „Ice Bucket Challenge“ – dabei entleeren Menschen einen Kübel mit Eiswasser über sich und dürfen dann drei weitere Menschen nominieren; die Nominierten, die sich weigern, sollen 100 Dollar für die Erforschung von ALS spenden – nach eigenen Angaben 88,5 Millionen Dollar eingenommen.
(Auszug aus der Steuererklärung 2013 der ALS Association)
Tierschützer kritisieren ALS-Forschung
Indes haben nun auch Tierschützer Kritik an der „Ice Bucket Challenge“ und der ALS-Forschung geübt. Mit den Spendengeldern würden sinnlose und grausame Tierversuche finanziert, so die Organisation „Ärzte gegen Tierversuche“. „Die ALS-Gesellschaft macht keinen Hehl daraus, bei ihren Forschungen auf ‚Tiermodelle‘ zu setzen, wie es im lebens-verachtenden Jargon der Tierexperimentatoren heißt. Dabei ist seit Jahren bekannt, dass Tierversuche für die ALS-Forschung ein völliger Fehlgriff sind“, kritisiert Corina Gericke, Mitglied der „Ärzte gegen Tierversuche“ und ruft dazu auf, nicht an die ALS Association zu spenden.
Weil ALS eine Krankheit ist, die nur beim Menschen vorkommt, müssen die Laborratten und Mäuse genmanipuliert werden, um an den Symptomen zu erkranken, die Menschen erleiden. Diese Genveränderungen der Tiere seien aber gar nicht mit dem vergleichbar, was im Körper eines erkrankten Menschen passiert, kritisiert auch die größte britische Tierschutzorganisation Animal Aid. Selbst wenn ein Wirkstoff bei Tieren Erfolge zeige, versage er beim Menschen.
Quellen: Youtube.com/krone.at vom 28.08.2014
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Hat dies auf Haunebu7's Blog rebloggt.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
The Keshe Foundation today has released its first medical video and accompanied paper for the illness known as ALS.
With the release of this paper, Stichting the Keshe Foundation for the first time in its history opens the doors of its research to the public for a glimpse into one of its most closely guarded research programs. This is the application of its spaceship program plasma technology in the domain of health in order to overcome and/or reverse some of the ailments, which the present world of science and medicine has no solutions for.
We have developed the health section of our spaceship program because we believe the spacecraft of the future will not be able to carry all the medicines and doctors of every discipline required to cover all aspects of the health needs of people in long-haul deep space travel. In order to meet every eventual medical need there would be more medicine than food and more doctors than passengers on board these craft.
In our health program, we have set out to understand the fundamental basis and cause of each illness in the magnetical and gravitational structure of the human cell. From this we are striving to build one unifying health system that works in the same way as the human body and that can be used in space for all ailments by simply adjusting the operation of the body’s system so as to help it overcome any problem.
In view of our development of plasma technology and its applications, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) should no longer be a death sentence handed out by doctors, who tell their patients in the same breath that there is nothing that can be done to save their lives as the present world of science has no cure for this killing disease. The present medical world cannot explain the origin of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or what triggers this process in the human body.
From our research we can with confidence state, that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a reversible condition in most cases, if it is discovered at the right time and handled in the right way by a competent team of physicians.
You tub video on ALS
The paper on ALS
Contact mail address
We have a Foundation The Keshefoundation web
We work to inform people from around the world abouth what this new technology is achieving in differed levels that is to say Medical,space, ect…
To bring the light there is hope for everybody
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
The Keshe Foundation today has released its first medical video and accompanied paper for the illness known as ALS.
With the release of this paper, Stichting the Keshe Foundation for the first time in its
You tube video on ALS
you are welcome for information at keshefoundation
There is hope for people with als and other deceases ect..
The unknown
Opening of the Spaceship Institute (SSI)
11-01-2013, 10:50 AM
The start of the world teaching program of the Keshe Foundations and setting up of the “Spaceship Institute” in Italy was unveiled and announced in the press conference organized by the Keshe Foundation in Brescia, Italy on 31.10.2013.
In this press conference, Dr. Aristide Pele (Councilor Education and University of Brescia Province), Mr. Fabio Maroni (former Member of Parliament and member of the Constitutional Affairs Committee) and Mr. M T Keshe the Founder of the Keshe Foundation announced the opening of this institute in early 2014.
Following the discussion in the last session of the Italian parliament about the work of the keshe Foundation and transfer of its spaceship technology to Italy, this announcement completes the move of the Founder and its Foundation to Italy early this year.
By the opening of this institute, Italy after Iran becomes the third nation, which has entered the spaceship technology developed by Iranian nuclear Eng. M T Keshe.
The Spaceship Institute (SSI) was said in this press conference will be ready to accept 250 scientists from around the world.
The methods of teaching and whom can be qualified for the first years to be the knowledge seeker in this institute was laid out through power point presentation by the founder of the Foundation.
The establishment of this institute is the final steps in bringing the world scientists around the same table to develop new systems and after two years to be able to produce the full working craft for excursion into space by an international team of scientists.
In this meeting the ALS volunteer Mr. Bassan, whom his video was released last week by the Foundation was present too, and the press present for the meeting interviewed him as they wished.
By establishing the “Spaceship Institute,” the working of the first world scientific elite university is set in motion.
The Keshe Foundation in the press conference invited the world scientists to gather in Italy to work as united team in bringing the new technology to all nations in one move.
With uniting the scientific world, in sharing advance Magravs technology and the gained knowledge rapidly through out the world by the procedures setout in the press conference, the Foundation is making the path ready for the world peace by equality in science and wealth across the world.
The Founder of the Keshe Foundation officially invites genius scientists in plasma and space technology from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the most amazing Scientists from space agency of United State of America, the most intuitive scientists from the People’s Republic of China, and the most advance space technologist in space science of Russian Federation, the most amazing Italian scientists, the most talented scientists from the state Israel and other valued scientists from other nations of the world to join us in the first semester of this international “Spaceship Institute” in March 2014.
The Keshe Foundation in the coming days will send official invitations to nations for them to appoint at least 10 scientists from different discipline to this institute.
We expect cordial response from the government and scientific groups of Iran, United state of America, and Israel; it is time to ignore our human difference and join in uniting this planet for peaceful journeys of our children into space as united family.
In space, there are no territories and flags except the flag of unity of the mankind in the deep spans of universe.
We have our space reactor ready and on standby for your scientists to test, develop, and share their knowledge with the rest of the mankind in the coming months.
It is time that the nations of the world to put aside these pittance difference and work as one peaceful united nation and race for the betterment of the humanity.
Our invitations to each nation will be released, as with our peace treaty on the forum of the Foundation as before and it is the responsibility of each citizen to prepare their nations for participating in this institute.
The Keshe Foundation
web link
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
You can read the full paper on ALS in the link below: http://www.keshefoundation.org/latest-papers/pdf/5.html To join the ALS program or any other inquiries …
Hat dies auf Oberhessische Nachrichten rebloggt.
Naja, ich hab das mal weiter gegeben, in die Foren wo ich bin.
Aber wie erwartet…. wenig bis negative Resonanz.
(Verschwörungstheorie…. trotz der Verlinkung auf die ÄGTV Seite)
Ich denke auch, den meisten Schafen (die Stars machen etwas vor und alle machen es unkritisch nach) geht es nur um den Eimer mit Wasser drüber zu kippen und Spaß zu haben, denen ist die Krankheit egal.
Dann gibt es jetzt Menschen die spenden immerhin an eine Einrichtung oder einen Verein, dennoch frage ich mich, warum niemand selbst aktiv was macht.
Es gibt in Altenheimen und Behindertenwohnheimen so viel Bedarf für ehrenamtliche Helfer – beruhigt dann eine Geldspende das Gewissen und es bleibt mehr Zeit
zum Shoppen, Freunde treffen, Kino und die restliche Bespaßung?
Ja ich denke genau das ist es.
Wie die Klingelbeutel in der Kirche.
Hat dies auf Matthiass Space rebloggt.